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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Stunning 3d Art Drawings

Nothing is Stunning than 3d art drawing it's really amazing thing to see some thing to be real but it's not real it's an illusion it's a 3d drawings on paper

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Art Photography : Stunning Photos

Our world is filled by a stunning places, here is a collection of photos taken from different places by intelligent artistes how know the the time and the meaning of the captured photos he just take on, this type of art is know as an art photography.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Amazing Nail Art Design For Beautiful Girls

Nail art on one short French manicured nail. Many manicures with nail art are on long nails (more nail length gives you more canvas to paint on), and each nail has art affixed to or painted on it. But this photo of bridal nails shows you that could can wear nail art on short nails, and keep it simple with just one enhanced nail. Good place to start if you're new to nail art. You can experiment with one nail before you get a full set of decorated fingernails.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Art Photography : Amazing Wallpaper Photograph

Our world is so beautiful. Here is some art photographs of some parts of our world. they are amazing when they are used as a wallpaper.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Art Photography : Cold Morning

Whats an amazing cold morning. It's really amazing photographs that present to you the emotion  of the cold morning and make you feel it.

Amazing Painting Art: Painting With Salt - Eric Northman (Alexander Skarsgard)

Portrait drawing is one of the most amazing art you can see. Here you will see an intelligent man how can draw using salt, just salt and finish it to appear like the picture below.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Art Photography :Beautiful Spring Season in Japan

Each  season has it's own unique beautiful characteristic look. Here you'll see a fascinating  spring season in japan. it's still a virgin nature and a beautiful place you have to visit.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Amazing Art: Stunning Wildlife Paintings by Denis Mayer Jr.

Wildlife paintings, nature art and pet portraits are displayed on my website. Wildlife is my most favorite subject to paint; black bear, wolves, deer, elk, raccoons, fox, cougar, birds of prey, song birds, waterfowl and much more.

Besides wildlife art, I do realistic oil paintings of flowers, butterflies, moths, frogs, landscapes of country scenes, and pet portraits of dogs, cats, and horses.
source: judyaschrader

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Illustrating drawings of a Polish painter

This is a one amazing type of illustration paintings that blowing your mind. The polish painters are well known by there amazing drawings that introduce what they thinking and who is there social behavior.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Art Photography : Miracle Generated By Nature Reflection

This image is a rock in Lake Birmanian.Uvidet its true form only in certain days of the year when the sun shines on it at a certain angle. Turn your head left and see what is so exciting about this miracle, generated by nature ….

Friday, April 8, 2011

Art Photography : Paradise Terraces of Bali

Here are an extraordinary photographs captured by talented photographers artists. these photos are taken from one of the most beautiful places on the earth, it's the rice terraces of Bali.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Amazing Art Photography:What Happens If The World Ended In 2012

These art photos were done by an  artistes who tries to imagine what would happen if the world ends in 2012. they believe that a tsunami waves will cover the whole of the world and our lands will be beneath the see.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Amazing Art Photography:Cities Made By Electronic Parts

This art photos was done by the Italian artist Franco Recchia who used old computer and electronic parts to build his unique and incredible cities.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Amazing Photography Artwork: Cartoon Characters Paper

These are a very interesting photos  made by some genius Cartoon fans. They drew the cartoon character on paper, cut them out and put them in different creative live scenes….

These cartoon characters really so beautiful and looks awesome. These cartoon characters looks alive because the cutting shape is so amazing and technical and yes the photography is also pointed and really a big thing in these type of artwork if your photo taking point is wrong so you don’t get good photo.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Amazing Art: Photos Manipulation

These are photos manipulated by Adobe Photoshop, they are really an amazing. this artwork it the best that I ever seen. you can by this type of art create the world which you imagine.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Amazing Oeuvres Design Architecture par cure-dents

Vous pourriez penser aiguilletage millions de cure-dents dans le nom de l'art est trop fastidieux un triomphe, mais certains artistes jure la simple combinaison de colle et de copeaux de bois est parfait pour créer des sculptures. Les projets ci-dessous, dont une réplique du Taj Mahal et un galion magnifiques sont de parfaits exemples de l'art à sa cure-dent la plus qualifiée. Certains sont le sous-produit d'années de travail et environ deux aventures semaine, cette incroyable et Amazing Toothpick art par des artistes Stan Munro. Et voici les art Awesome Sculptures de cure-dents de leur part, Stan Munro travaille sur ses modèles au Musée des sciences et de la technologie à Syracuse, New York, États-Unis. Il prend un jour à six mois pour faire de chaque bâtiment à l'aide en utilisant des millions de cure-dents.