Friday, December 13, 2013

The Second Snowfall in Egypt 2013 Since 112 Years.

A lot of our followers may think that we have changed our direction in order to publish the news and the weather, but what happens in Cairo- Egypt is larger than ignorance. Egypt is facing a very cold atmosphere within it snowfall in some areas of the capital and other provinces.

Weather experts talking about this phenomenon and said that Egypt did not see snowfall since 112 years, this snowfall amazement and dismay of many Egyptians who have lived and do not see snowfall except on television in foreign countries

The snow that has blanketed much of the Middle East turned Cairo white on Friday - with local news reports claiming it was Egypt's capital's first snowfall in 112 years.
The city averages less than an inch of rain each year, and hundreds stopped their walk to work or school to snap pictures of the falling flakes, tweeting their delights. 


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