Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Angola Demolishing Mosques and Prevent the Practice of Muslim Rites

The minister of Culture,Rosa Cruz Dsylva, in Angola announced, the prevention of the practice of Islam rites in the country, and began on the demolition of the mosques, quoted by the African Newspapers.

Cruz said, "The country will reconsider the law of freedom of religion and will intensify its fight against radical Islam, which is spread on the African continent, and especially against the Lebanese communities, African and Western Islamic rituals practiced in Angola."

The governor of the city Luanda , Punto, of said "The mosques are being demolished because of what described as extremists Muslims are not welcome in Angola and it is forbidden from now the building of mosques."


There are about 1000 mostly Christian religious communities in Angola.While reliable statistics are nonexistent, estimates have it that more than half of the population are Catholics, while about a quarter adhere to the Protestant churches introduced during the colonial period: the Congregationalists mainly among the Ovimbundu of the Central Highlands and the coastal region to its West, the Methodists concentrating on the Kimbundu speaking strip from Luanda to Malanje, the Baptists almost exclusively among the Bakongo of the Northwest (now massively present in Luanda as well) and dispersed Adventists, Reformed and Lutherans. In Luanda and region there subsists a nucleus of the "syncretic" Tocoists and in the northwest a sprinkling of Kimbanguism can be found, spreading from the Congo/Zaire. Since independence, hundreds of Pentecostal and similar communities have sprung up in the cities, where by now about 50% of the population is living; several of these communities/churches are of Brazilian origin. The Muslims, practically all of them immigrants from West African and other countries and belonging to the Sunnite branch, represent only about 1%; because of their diversity, they do not form a community. In 2011, according to the Islamic Community of Angola (Comunidade Islâmica de Angola, COIA) there were more than 80 mosques serving about 500,000 Muslims in Angola, and the number was growing. via


Unknown said...

حسبنا الله وتعمه الوكيل اللهم انصر عبادك المسلمين وارفع رايه الاسلام فوق العباد والبلاد في مشارق الارض و مغربها وانصرهم على اعدءك واعداء الدين اللهم انصر من نصر الدين واخذل من خذل الدين اللهم زلزلزل الارض الارض تحت اقدام الانغولين وتاخذهم عزيز مقتدر يارب العالمين واهلك الكفار والظالمين اينما ماكانوا وان تجعل السوء تدور حولهم واجعل عاليهم سافلهم يارب العالمين اجب دعوتناودعوت المسلمين يارب والحمدلله رب العالمين والصلاه والسلام على رسول الله

as3d2004 said...

لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم
ومن أظلم ممن منع مساجد الله أن يذكر فيها اسمه وسعى في خرابها أولئك ما كان لهم أن يدخلوها إلا خائفين لهم في الدنيا خزي ولهم في الآخرة عذاب عظيم
صدق الله العظيم

Samir Zedan said...

احسنتي يا أنغولا بدي اهاجر اخدم في جيشها كمان

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