Friday, October 4, 2013

Lionel Messi plan to build football-inspired house

Lionel Messi has revealed plans to build a new football house

Lionel Messi have Chosen the design of his new home in the form of a football stadium, in the neighborhood of the city Bdralbs Catalan , the Argentine star preferred this design, because of its symbolic character who was concerned by the architect Luis de Garrido to grant it to him. "de Garrido" explained that the idea of home in the form of a football stadium aired great enthusiasm at Messi, because he realized that he dedicated to him. "

Not many people like to take their work home with them, but football mad Lionel Messi is clearly happy to do so, after releasing plans to build a football-inspired house.

The Barcelona superstar has been looking for a new pad in Catalonia following the birth of his son Thiago. And after failing to find a place that fits all of his needs, Messi has decided to just build a perfect house of his own. But far from the traditional box shape, Messi’s house is going to reflect the job he does so well.

 He has acquired a rectangular plot, and has split it in two halves– just like a football pitch.

One side will have a swimming pool, and the other a plush law, while slap bang in the middle will be a ball shaped building. It will be topped off with a glass roof, which will be divided up, so it gives a quadrant affect from above.

source: YouTube


Anonymous said...

منزله فخم / و العرب في خيبة ..

Anonymous said...

بالنسبة للتعليق الاول انك رائيه يلبس الخيرة ولم تراه انه من قدم العون للمصاب الفلسطيني
لم تذكر ما يفعله للفقراء وخاصة من الاطفال،
اما عن التعليق الثاني تريد ان تحاسبه على الإنفاق ولم تحاسب المسلمين من الحكام العرب والأثرياء
العرب حينما ينفقون على جلسة ربع ساعة اكثر من نصف مليون دولار؟

لماذا تنظرون فقط للفراغ الكبارية ولا تنظروا للنصف الميلان!

هل انتم حمقاء الى متى نصحوا من غفلتنا!

وبعدين هو لم يسرق احد منا فقط بجهده هو او كريستيانوا
وصلوا لذلك!

انتم أمة ضحكت من جهلها الامم
وانا لا يهمني لا ميسي ولا كرستيانوا ولا الفرق
ولكن تعليقكم اثارني

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