Friday, June 15, 2012

Saudi Short Film Made ​​More Than 2 Million Views

What can I say? it's really incredible Although its length only 90 second but it give you a big lesson in a short time, there's a lot of lessons that we can't discuss or talk about it or describe it by words, only by the behavior and situations. From these short films the man can learn a lot about his life and what is the bad and good. 

This short film doesn't have any word, the don't speak any bit of word only a show of the behavior, this film is about well  thinking, many of us may thing in a bad way but we are wrong sometimes so always we need to have  a  well  thinking.


s.s.s.s said...

هزني الفلم هادة للامانة فلم روعة

Anonymous said...

رسالة بليغة رغم قصرها , ترى كم عدد من يستلمها صح؟

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