Sunday, April 29, 2012

Stunning Lakes In Afghanistan

Perhaps the first thing that comes to our mind when we hear the name "Afghanistan" is the country's war-torn barren, and covered by deserts, rugged mountains wherever you look, but this perception is not accurate because the center of this barren deserts hiding enchanting beauty of eye-catching

Imagine that this beautiful emerald lake is part of the rugged terrain of Afghanistan, and what makes it more surprising is that it lies at an altitude of three thousand meters above the Hindu Kush mountains of central Afghanistan! These Lakes Bear a name Band Amir , a chain of 6 lakes located in the charming region of Bamiyan in central Afghanistan.

But how does the water come together in this way amid of the rugged terrain in the high mountains?!
These lakes were formed as a result of water that leaked from cracks in the mountains, and with the passage of time and slow motion of water between the rocks of the mountains, a part of these rocks decomposed to the deposits of calcium, which build a natural dams reaching a height , in some cases to ten meters thickness of three meters!! and what about the magnificent blue water? It is because of the purity and content of the mineral components.

The Featured thing in this place is the proximity to the historical city of Bamiyan, a city which included a giant antique statues of the Buddha and triggered by the Taliban in 2001.

This area was designated places of World Heritage in 2009 and was considered as a national park, but in spite of her beauty, it is not set out to become a tourist site because of the war in Afghanistan, and it take to access this place ten hours drive from Kabul through the mountain bumpy roads !
even The American occupation was supported a project to make roads that lead to this place in the third of the current term.

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أحمد الطريبق Ahmed Tribak said...

Formidable ! Prière de mettre les images sous forme de fond d'écran.

Nahla El Masreyya said...

سبحان الله..سبحان الخالق العظيم..شكراً جزيلا على الصور الرائعة.

Nahla El Masreyya said...

سبحان الله..سبحان الله العظيم...شكراً على الصور الجميله والمجهود الرائع! :)

Unknown said...

شكرا للصور والمعلومات الرائعة

اخبار said...

سبحان الله ما اجمل هذه المناظر مش لله بن لادن باقي عايش و مكيف

ja said...

very nice
thanks allah for this

mobark said...

سبحان الله

Unknown said...

سبحان االهthanks alot for these magnificent views.

Anonymous said...

سبحان الخالق .... جميل يحب الجمال .... والأجمل من نقل لنا هذه الصور الرائعة ...شكراً لكم

ود القرشي said...

شكرا للصور الجميلة والمعلومات المفيدة

Anonymous said...

ولكن سكانها من اسفل خلق الله انهم طالبان يقتلون الانسان من اجل المال ولو فى جيبك 2 دولار يقتلونك ويبيعون المخدرات والافيون

Anonymous said...

nice nature but bad people

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