Saturday, May 28, 2011

Stunning 3D Art Drawings : Worlds Beyond Reality

Nothing is impossible beyond reality, just imagine and draw what you imagine of to be real in our real world. a lot of artists trying to talk about their dreams, about their far imagination by their amazing hands and their intelligent minds to let us see by our eyes what they are dream of.

There's a thick border between reality and imagination, and the one that breaks this border is art, let's take a look and see what those artists dream of.


عالم الثقافة والعلوم said...

ممتاز موضوع شيق فعلا
انا مهتم بهيك موضوع

Anonymous said...

thank you

ahmed said...

ممتاز جدا

Anonymous said...


sultan said...


sultan said...


Unknown said...

انها مجرد اوهام

Anonymous said...

مناضر تجعلني اشعر بصعوبة من يعيش بمثل اجوائها جميله خياليه ولكن تخلو من الطبيعه الخلابه الطبيعيه الفطريه لا فراشات ولا طيور ولا حياة

Unknown said...


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